How I Set Up Kami, My Favourite Xfce Desktop Layout

Kami (紙, EN: Paper) is an Xfce Desktop layout that uses Material-inspired aesthetics and Mac-like desktop layout. This article is intended to be used as my personal step-by-step guide (since I still distro-hop quite often), although I do hope people find it useful somehow.

This article assumes that you are using Linux Mint 20.2 Xfce.

Table of Contents

Pulling In the Prerequisites

Adding the PPAs

Most of the prerequisites are already available on Linux Mint's official repositories; some other, however, needs to be pulled in from external repositories. To add the repositories, launch your favourite terminal application and execute the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:snwh/ppa && sudo apt update

Installing the Packages

Now that the system knows where to pull the packages from, it's time to install them. Still on your favourite terminal application, execute the following command:

sudo apt install -y plank materia-gtk-theme fonts-roboto fonts-roboto-slab paper-icon-theme

Downloading the Wallpaper

To download this beautiful Rem wallpaper and save it to the /usr/share/backgrounds directory, execute the following command:

sudo wget -nc -P /usr/share/backgrounds

Setting Up the Layout

Now that we gathered all of the ingredients on the table, it's time to start baking.

The Overall GTK Appearance

The Desktop

The Window Manager

The Notifications

The Workspaces

The Mouse and Touchpad Appearance

The Autostarts

The Dock

The Panel

Automating the Above Process

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